- The Cheverly Community Market Holiday Market was great -- I was thrilled. It was nice to be back at the market as a vendor, especially after years of working as a manager. Thanks to everyone who bought handmade this winter! I need to get back to making stuff.
- We had a mostly great visit with my mom (except for the part where she was in the hospital for five days), who came in time for the Christmas Pageant -- Paul was a Wise Man, and he started a new tradition: the fist-bumping Wise Men. I also heard that he removed his crown several times to shake out his hair. Magic.
- Work has started on this year's Cheverly Day. I'm in charge of the web and PR stuff again. The team of people who work on this event every year is amazing and I'm proud to be part of it!
- Maggie is in the school musical, getting ready for her second piano recital, and has made straight As again. She is smarter than all of us combined. I will stay on her good side.
- Paul was accepted to his two top choices for high school (I'm not saying which ones -- that's his news.) All that work (and all those tears) paid off! Now he just needs to decide...
- Charles continues to do very cool things. TONE has been playing out a lot, and Night Streets has done a few shows as well. And the tea mines are still humming along, too.
The only person who doesn't really have a lot going on (well, except for Cheverly Day, yearbook, and a few design projects) is me. But that perception may just be a result of being sick for nearly three weeks. That can color your outlook...it's made me feel like an invalid. Also, having an eye exam so you can order really cool glasses, only to discover that you need progressive lenses (because you're old) and those hip glasses are now out of your reach. I am going to the doctor for a physical for the first time in a decade tomorrow. Yes. A decade. I've always thought that doctors are really for when you're sick, and, with the exception of pneumonia two years ago and the occasional cold/flu, I've been remarkably healthy. But I'm careening toward 50 and events of the past three years haven't killed me, so I guess it's time to stare down that physical.
This growing old stuff is for the birds.