I admit it. I'm one of those people who's ready to take the Christmas decorations down and the tree out to the curb on January 1. However, I live with people (males) who are awfully sentimental about such, so the tree and decorations stay up until the tree dies or something breaks, whichever comes first. Which means we're in a holding pattern. A standoff, if you will.
Add to that the heaving sighs and tears this morning as two people (males) made their way back from two weeks' vacation. And Maggie has croup, so the one person who
really wanted to get back to life outside of this house didn't even get to go.
So if the tree is up and at least one person is at home sick, I'm calling personal extended holidays. Which means I'm not going to get on to those big (and much-needed) organizing projects. Or any self-improvement, really. The laundry is going to wait one more day, too. And the grocery shopping. I'm just going to turn on the Christmas lights, make a pot of tea, listen to all the cool music I downloaded from iTunes this weekend, and knit for an hour. Or two. Happy Holding Pattern to you and yours!
Incidentally, Paul is planning to wear his "jamas" inside-out for the foreseeable future. So if the snow (or ice) starts to fall, you know who to thank.
(I'm sure he'll have something to say about all of this later today on his blog.)