Maggie has discovered The Wiggles. This picture? Personal nightmare. I willingly went along with the whole thing with Paul, but it's a phase that one should only have to experience once. Total. So if you're the second kid, tough luck.
Unfortunately for me, la Mag is cute and relatively guileless, so here we are, watching grown men play ** wild and crazy**. The really sad thing? Paul is also entranced right now...however, this may be a ploy to delay homework...
(The screensaver on my computer is a surly looking picture of Jeff Tweedy and all I can think of is him saying, "I am sooo disappointed. Why are you letting those kids listen to that?! We're going to have to rethink our relationship if this continues." I should probably come back from lalaland now.)
Sadly, the last two major concerts Marcie and I have been to have been the Wiggles. (And that was with Carrie, for equal times sake I guess we owe Amara and Genet some shows too.) Just not the same without Greg though.
Kind of like Van Halen with Sammy Hagar or Journey without Steve Perry or Judas Priest with that new guy.
Oh do I have something for you . . .
I am proud to say that we are taking P&M to a real show this summer -- Wilco in NC in August. Jim, you are a brave guy. We took Paul to see the Wiggles a few years ago. I ran smack into Jeff (what in the world was he doing running past the women's bathroom a few levels up?!) and swore off ever attending another show.
Have you heard of Pancake Mountain? Real rock shows for kids at real clubs (9:30, etc.) Also, rock-n-romp helps us feel like we maintain some level of cool, even if it's only a fleeting illusion...
Jim, I appreciate your analogy. Perhaps for balance we should take all the kids to see Judas Priest next time they roll through town.
"Rollin', nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh, Rollin',nuh nuh nuh nuh nuh....."
JP August 7 Nissan Pavilion
Hey now, I love the Wiggles! Logan and I were just reminiscing tonight...she seems to have gotten over them...but me...well I still love Anthony! I even asked Logan if we could pull out the old videos (yes videos) and watch them, she blew me off. We have all the cool Wiggles toys too so if Maggie wants to come play, Amara and Genet too, Logan is quite the hostess and is always up for an afternoon soiree!
wait . . . they have names?
You really don't know their names?
Greg, Murray, Anthony, Jeff, Captain Feathersword, Henry, Wags, Dorothy, Officer Beeples, Food Man,
Professor Singalottasonga, and Fiona Fitbelly are practically part of our family.
Fruit Salad... yummy, yummy
jim g-m: You complete me. No, wait. I meant to say you scare me.
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